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Saturday, August 13, 2011

KineticCity website

So, I am the first to tell you that science is not my favorite thing to teach.  For that reason, I am always looking for new things that engage and teach ME!  If a website or activity can do that, then I am usually willing to try it with my students.

As I was looking through Richard Byrne's ebook 77 Web Resources for Teachers, I found this site called Kinetic City. Mr. Byrne really highlights the game Shape it Up, and that is where I started, but I found a number of good interactive lessons and ideas in other categories of the website.  This site covers a myriad of science topics through online games, creatable games, writing activities, and short clips.  I think it will be a great tool to use in my room this year.

It is designed as a possible after school science club site, too.  If you are interested in the educators' page that accompanies the site, you can go to it by clicking here.

The picture below will take you to a fun game that reviews the internal organs.

I would be interested to know if any of you have used this site or what you think of it when you explore it.